YeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I just returned from a 1.2 hour flight around Steven 
Point, WI. This was my first flight since 10/25 due to our shi&&y weather we 
have up here. So what does this have to do with belly boards? Here is how I 
use mine in the landing sequence. I called left downwind 21 Stevens Point 
and reduced my speed to 125 MPH. Next I called turning left base 21 Stevens 
point and am now at 120 MPH. I maintain that speed through base and call 
turning final 21 Stevens Point. I pull back the power to slow her to 115 and 
drop the belly board to full down position. At this point I would estimate I 
am now at 1/4 mile final and slowing fast. I cross the numbers looking at 80 
MPH and when the wheels touch the pavement I am doing 70 MPH and she sets 
down smooth a silk. The following are two links. The first is the web link 
to the construction of my solid belly board. The second is a landing video 
on runway 21 Stevens Point and note you can see the speed brake being 
lowered. Also note the minor deflection of the gear with touchdown and that 
is loaded up with two people on board.

Belly Board web link:

Landing video:

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI
E-mail: flykr2s at

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