Merry Christmas to all my fellow kr owners and pilots.

Thanks and fly safely especially when exclaiming ?YIPPEE? at all those poor 
earthbound souls!

Parley Byington
N54PB  Kr-2
byington1954 at
Henderson Nevada 89015

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Kenneth R. Mintz" <kmintz2 at>
> Subject: Re: KR> poem
> Date: December 24, 2014 at 10:48:47 AM PST
> To: Parley T Byington <byington1954 at>
> Back at you.  I wrote this for myself in Germany back in the day after the 
> Fern winds briefly cleared the skies of the ever present mist all the way to 
> the Alps.  What mind portrait that made from 10000 feet!
> Solo
> Oh, I have born myself aloft
> On roaring engine and lifting wings
> And felt the steady wind song, soft,
> Free my heart from earthbound things.
> Topped, I have, the curling mists
> And watched a snow-white plain unfurl,
> Gazed in silent awe and bliss
> Upon the mountains above the World.
> Touched, I have, some gentle clouds
> And taking the inward view
> My soaring mind has laughed aloud
> To see a childhood dream come true!
> Drifted, I have, in the bright sun light
> And skimmed through the crystal air.
> Alone at last in solo flight,
> I've shed some burden there.
> Author, Kenneth R. Mintz
> Written some time in the spring of 1973 in the skies over Munich, Germany.
> Merry Christmas to All!  May your altitude, attitude and airspeed all match 
> up for many safe landings in the next year!  (Remember, take offs are 
> optional...)
> Uncle Ken
> Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 24, 2014, at 7:25 AM, Parley T Byington <byington1954 at 
>> wrote:
>> This poem expresses the joy I have had with my little KR-2 for the past 22 
>> years, and also the sadness for all you out there who have never enjoyed the 
>> sensation of building and flying your own airplane.
>> Merry Christmas to all my friends and family.
>> Parley
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Flesner via KRnet <krnet at>
>>> Subject: KR> poem
>>> Date: December 24, 2014 at 5:45:39 AM PST
>>> To: krnet at
>>> Reply-To: Flesner <flesner at>, KRnet <krnet at>
>>> This poem is from all the pilots flying their KR's and know how must fun 
>>> lines in store fir those still building.
>>> Merry Christmas......... Larry
>>> Christmas Eve at the Airport
>>> On the eve before Christmas all KR?s in the land  (Clip)

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