Several folks have volunteered to facilitate the sale of the plans, and to be fair, my impression is that Steve isn't the reason that plans are difficult to get. After all, the plans are still controlled by Jeanneatte Rand. I'm not sure if she's out of the country, in the hospital, or just not paying attention, but she needs to realize that if plans become impossible to obtain, and we may be there now, they will eventually be black marketed on the internet and that cash cow will be dead. Truth is...the KR1 plans are already "free" on the internet, posted by a guy that got fed up waiting on plans back in 2009....when he finally got them, he posted them as a bit torrent, if you don't mind getting a load of malware with your free plans. I've also heard of them available on ebay.
We all want to do the right thing with plans, which is pay the rightful owner for them and sleep well at night, but they have to be legally and morally OBTAINABLE somehow! If there's anybody out there that has Mrs. Rand's ear, it would be good to persuade her to do something about plans availability, and soon, before the plans become freely available and people can say rightfully say "I simply couldn't get them any other way". I don't care who sells them, but they need to be available in a timely manner from somebody that takes credit card orders, has a bunch of plans sets ready to go, and will ship them within a day or so. Anything else leads to problems, as those of us on this list well know. This has been going on too long... Mark Langford, Harvest, AL ML at