Thank you to everyone for their replies and suggestions on fixing the stick
forces. I added a fixed tab as everyone described and I guess I got lucky.
It measures 5? wide by 1 ?? beyond the trailing edge. I bent it up about 30
degrees. Voila! That was enough help to the existing trim tab that so t now
operates effectively. Hard to believe as minor a modification could have
such a great impact on overall results. It?s ugly but very secure and now
?officially flight tested!? I?ll make a bunch of appearance improvements
after I get comfortable with its operation but for now I?m flying with a
working trim system. Gentlemen, Thank you.

Yes, about the same as Jeff reported.  I glued a piece of bent aluminum,
guessing at the amount of bend needed.  When I got it right, I riveted the
aluminum piece to the trailing edge of the elevator and
filled/sanded/painted and you can hardly tell it is there.

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