I believe that next year's gathering place will be decided at the gathering this year. I am not sure if the date will be decided now or put off until later. Whenever the date is decided it would be good if it does not interfere with the Tripple Tree Fly In. Tripple Tree is getting bigger and bigger every year and it would not surprise me if the number of planes surpasses Sun N Fun in a few years. There were about 800 last year and I would not be surprised to see 1,000 this year.
Now as far as what date will be for TrippleTree next year, I don't know yet, but will find out. This year it is September 3-7. The web site is at http://www.tripletreeaerodrome.com/triple-tree-fly-in.php. I don't want to take away from the gathering, but for those that are not going to the gathering and that can get to South Carolina I would certainly encourage them to check out Tripple Tree. No vendors, just lots of planes, camping, good food, and a lot of fun. Brian Kraut