Hello Netter's,
Finally we have an update. I recently received data from the old KR Gathering.org website. The old site is gone and we have no way of recovering it so we had to create a new one. Fortunately Mark L. was on the ball and copied the website before it went away. The new address is www.KRgathering.com There are still a number of broken links as everything has to be gone through one at a time to correct where each page is pointing to. It takes a lot of time to do this which is something I don't have much of these days. However, the basics are there so you know what is happening with the Gathering. I can definitely say we probably didn't appreciate Bob Lee enough for all the work he put in to the Gathering website. One problem is the registration page. I haven't been able to make the page send the info to me once someone registers. I am not an .html guy so if anyone is interested in helping out here it would be appreciated. I do need people to register so if you would be so kind as to fill out the form and then just copy and paste it into an email to me so I can keep track of how many are planning on making it out. I will also need to have a count for the banquet, shirts, and hats. I should have something soon on the hats and shirts. This year is going to be a Legacy Gathering, a homecoming if you will for the KR aircraft. The design will be similar to the original KR design. There may be a few surprise guests since this is where it all began. I have heard rumor that Stu Robinson has heard that the Gathering is here in California and could be attending. There are a few other Legacy KR builders and contributors to the KR from way back in the early days who also may be in attendance. It seems even with the slow start this should be one of the good ones. We clearly do not have the facilities Mt. Vernon does but I think it will be a great time anyway! Steve Glover