On my S project I also beefed up the rudder horn.  The original design
had hand operated brakes and there was never much stress on the rudder
horn unless you just pushed on both rudder pedals for no reason.  Since
most of us are adding brakes now we put a lot more stress on the rudder
horn.  Not sure if anyone has ever broken one or not.

Brian Kraut

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: KR> Rudder pedals
From: Chris Gardner via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Fri, May 16, 2014 8:42 am
To: KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>

I would definitely recommend going up a few sizes on wall thickness
(.058) on the rudder tubes as I bent them twice trying to stop on a
short runway.
The right hand one is really the culprit not so much the left one due to
the torque you can apply when ttinfo/krnet_list.krnet.org to change

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