Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S     see   

>----Origineel Bericht----
>Van : krnet at list.krnet.org
>Datum : 07/05/2014 00:08
>Aan : krnet at list.krnet.org
>Onderwerp : KR> Put your name in the "from" box!
>OK folks...you've no doubt noticed that KRnet has changed a bit in the last 
>few days.  Your names or email addresses are no longer available without 
>going to some hassle.   So I'm going to ask nicely that you all go into your 
>account settings and add your name to your account so we can keep up with 
>who said what (or at least some idea of your name...J.Smith would even work, 
>but won't meet the intent).  It makes a difference in the quality of the 
>list in the form of accountability and just plain civility.  If folks keep 
>sending emails with no signatures in them, I can't swear that I won't either 
>A) go in and add it myself, or B) something more drastic...since I'll likely 
>be even crankier by then.
>It's very simple, actually...I sent instructions earlier this week.   Go to 
>http://list.krnet.org/mailman/options/krnet_list.krnet.org/ and enter your
>email address in the field, and then go down and click on the REMIND button 
>to get your password sent as an email.  Then go over to the field that says 
>"Your name (optional):" and PUT SOMETHING IN THERE!  Ideally it would be 
>something like your full name (first and last), unless you like being 
>obstinate. I really don't want to see any more posts from just "via KRnet"!
>I shouldn't be wasting my time with stuff like this when I'm trying so hard 
>to get my KR back in the air after 21 months...
>Mark Langford
>ML at N56ML.com
>website at http://www.N56ML.com
>Search the KRnet Archives at http://tugantek.com/archmailv2-kr/search.
>To UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to KRnet-leave at list.krnet.org
>please see other KRnet info at http://www.krnet.org/info.html
>see http://list.krnet.org/mailman/listinfo/krnet_list.krnet.org to change 

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