If interested, I have a one or more of these tailwheels sitting in my hangar 
I'd like to sell, in both 4" and 6" variants. ?I don't recall how many right 
now, but I'm thinking one of each. ?I'll have to go look in my bucket full of 
tailwheels to make sure of what I have.

I do make a slight modification to these tailwheels with the addition of a 
bronze thrust bushing so the top nut on the tailwheel can then be used to 
adjust the preload to dampen out any tendency to shimmy.

Additionally, I have a Scott 2000, Maule SFSA, Maule SFS-P8A, and most of a 
Scott 3200 for a Cessna round spring, all in need of overhaul, parts, or 
maintenance if someone is in need.

Please don't reply to the forum. ?Email me privately at <jscott.planes at 

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Langford
> Sent: 04/08/14 10:44 AM
> To: 'KRnet'
> Subject: Re: KR> Tail wheel assy.
> Doran wrote:
> >Wondering if anybody could send me some pictures of their tail wheel
> assembly?
> ?I would like to change mine over to a locking type.<
> The "homebuilder's special" from Aviation Products is the ticket, but buy it
> direct from Aviations Products rather than AS&S or Wicks...it's cheaper, or
> at least it was last time I checked. And that certainly applies to
> replacement wheels, that is if you want grease in them! See
> http://www.n56ml.com/kgear.html for more on that...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> ML at N56ML.com
> www.N56ML.com 

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