Hello Everyone
       I hope I'm not blasting this out with a bunch of other link the
messages on this site.
       I have set of myself that if a computer was a wooden wheel I still
could not find my way around it! Well, I did!
       Thanks to some information given to me by individuals on this
website I finally purchased a tablet that works with the flight software I
have been trying to download! It is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 normally $300.00
new, used ones can be had for around a hundred and seventy five dollars.
       I purchased a really nice used one for my son in law so I had a
chance to try it out first but all of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 is no matter
what size have the GPS chip in it. And I am really impressed with their
functional quality!
     Anyway, N186RC is finally getting some progress made on it regarding
the cowling . The fitting is done and now some what I call minor finishing
will complete it. After that change of the trim colors and some additional
trim color is well possibly a raising of the canopy and the aircraft should
be flying again! All this time over this winter for the sake of vanity! But
it will look good, not a trophy winner but still nice.
       Thank you for the advice I have gotten so far and I will continue to
monitor this site for some time.

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