In January released a new and free (supported by ads) flight planning, navigation & aeronautical info app for IOS that, from current raves on AOPA's "Flight Bag" forum, already rivals ForeFlight in functionality. Geo-referenced approach charts for all of North America, Mexico & Carribean, plus a plethora of other features - probably the most current fuel prices available since is a primary player in the business aviation world. If I were using an Apple device I would look into this new product.
*********** >From the website "Just like the legacy app, FltPlan Go is integrated with FltPlan website for one-stop flight planning in one centralized user account. The Go app features include breadcrumbs that leave a trail on the screen to show where the user has flown; rubber-banding of routing in flight planning; ability to create and edit routes offline; and expanded FBO airport information including fuel prices. In addition, features include a downloadable world map; both Clarity ADS-B and XM WX capabilities; free geo-referenced airport approach and taxi charts; and helicopter routes, TAC charts, SUAs for offline use. Users can also write notes on multiple approach charts and save those notes on the charts. All these features will work online and offline." ****** This thing is called the "Fltplan GO" app. It's a fresh product with new features being added continually. I don't use anything from Apple but I do follow EFB choices pretty closely. It's amazing to think that it was only five years ago or so that we had next to no alternatives to paper charts and plates. Boy have things changed. I haven't heard any good reports by anyone regarding the visibility in a bright canopied cockpit of any of the Apple products. Dan has mentioned that even his iFly 720, which is supposed to be "sunlight readable" is not all that legible in sunlight so this hardware issue remains a major concern for those of us with canopies. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ Do THIS before eating carbs (every time) 1 EASY tip to increase fat-burning, lower blood sugar & decrease fat storage