At 10:26 AM 2/20/2014, you wrote: >Larry >has an O-200 in his plane and hasn't had the pleasure of very many >engine-out landings (none, I'm guessing), unlike me, and I hope he never >does. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mark is correct. That's one of the reasons I went with the 0-200. It too may bite me someday but I'm guessing the odds are more in my favor. I do practice "engine at idle" landings but I'm guessing that is not the same as a wind milling or stopped prop by a good percentage. It does give me an idea of what a high sink rate looks like in my heavy KR with stock wings. Practice makes perfect and, in so doing, Mark has saved his bacon several times. Good luck is often the result of practice and planning and Mark does both. :-) Everyone's flying environment is a bit different. Fly within your comfort zone.......... Larry Flesner