>  if anyone would be willing to send me pics
>of belly flapd and linkages e being the new owner...would like to add one.
>             Doran
>  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Several photos of my setup at the bottom 
of   http://myplace.frontier.com/~flesner/ .  Mine is a bit heavy and 
probably over built on the support but the motor was free.  Go with 
the RV actuator or something similar if possible.  My board (very 
bottom of page) is a piece of 1/4" foam, glass covered hinged to the 
floor immediately behind the rear spar.  I re-enforced the floor with 
a piece of 1/4" spruce and used maybe 5 each 3/16 bolts to attach the 
piano hinge to the fuselage.  The hinge is floxed and glassed to the 
board.  0 to 90 degree deployment is possible.  Board measures 9" X 
30" and has a foam air ramp to cover the hinge on the bottom of 
fuselage.  I use the board full down on every landing and would hate 
to do without it.  It's my belief that many KR's have become hangar 
queens because of insufficient drag for landing and pilots never get 
comfortable in that part of the flight envelope.  I certainly 
wouldn't enjoy flying the KR as much if I didn't have the drag for landing.

Larry Flesner


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