If you want some REAL drag (and lift), build a set of flaps like I did for 
N56ML...each one 44" long and using all of the chord length aft of the aft 
spar, about 11".  Maybe that's why I never had any trouble landing that 
plane.  Best I could measure is that they were good for at least a 5 MPH 
lower landing speed, if not more.  See the last few pictures near the bottom 
of   http://www.n56ml.com/owings.html for the whole story, but the enclosed 
photo should give you the idea.  The ailerons were sized to give equivalent 
effectiveness to the plans-built version, given area and distance from the 
centerline (moment).

People ask me what I'll do differently on the next one, and the answer is 
"not much"...

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com
website at http://www.N56ML.com
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