See below from Rob Schmitt.  I'm fooling around with list settings.  If this 
makes it, I'll be on to something...

From: Robert7721 at 
To: krnet at 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: KR> waf

I remember having the same issue. If I recall correctly I just added an 
additional piece of 3/32nd plywood on the center main spar forward side to get 
the additional space needed so the outers wing WAFS would slide into the 
centers. I did not have to do that at the rear spar.

Rob Schmitt

In a message dated 11/12/2013 7:11:21 A.M. Central Standard Time, ml at writes:
  >>I'm seeing that the fwd center spar is 2.16" wide not including the 
plywood. The fwd outer spar is 2.16" also. Doesn't the outer spar need to be 
narrower for the waf to go inside the center spar waf? I know it does I'm just 
missing something. rk from Sprint! <<

  They must not nest then.  It's been a long time since I built mine, and that 
area is one of many in the plans that require careful study, and sometimes, 
wild extrapolation.  Come to think of it, one of the things I'll do differently 
next time is butt the main spars up against each other to eliminate the gap 
between the spars, and the only way that could happen is if they are both the 
same width.   A bushing is then used through the 3/8" bolt locations (and 
epoxied into the wood), so you only have one 3/8" joint per pair of WAFS, 
rather than two, and it's quicker to disassemble, and less of a hole is needed 
on top of the wing.  I didn't invent this...I read it in one of the old 

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