Larry; Don't let it bother you. Everybody is leaving for the Gathering and it's going to get real quiet here on the list for a couple of days. Right around this time of year I try to remember to put out a reminder to everyone on the list that Mark Langford moderates and hosts this list on his own time and on his own nickel. I usually suggest that if anyone gets anything out of the list, they might send Mark a contribution to help with expenses and continue his *excellent* R&D work on the KR, and thank him for all the time that he puts into documenting tips, techniques, and how-tos on his website. His photos and narrative are a model for clear and informative how-to webpages. I guess I'm doing the reminding now, aren't I? ;o) I'll try to remember to do it again after the Gathering though, and I'll include Mark's mailing address and PayPal address. With a couple of hundred people on this list, we can hope that even one in ten might send something in. Knowing Mark, he's not going to spend it on a coffee table book with pretty pictures. More like some carbon fiber cloth, or some fuel system fittings, or aluminum plate and angle stock that he fabricates nifty things out of.
Yeah, we can probably swap jokes and political stories while Mark is away and not monitoring the list for a couple of days. Or maybe not ;o) As the "benevolent dictator" who heads up the list, Mark is peaceable and he gives plenty of warning, but he does have a pretty sharp stall break ;o) Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR