>O 200s are available but costly. Jabiru 3300 would also be good ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
All else being equal, I'd go with the 0-200. I can't imagine it would be more costly than a Jabiru 3300 and support for the Corvair outside the U.S.A. would be limited. With the 0-200 you install it and go fly. I installed an 0-200 with 1800 hours since factory overhaul and it now has 2300 hours since overhaul and still running fine. I started with new mags, rebuilt carb, and have replaced one cylinder in my 500 hours with another used cylinder, but that's about it. It starts every time and has always got me to my destination. Check out the updates ( schedule) at www.krgathering.org Larry Flesner