>I wanted to hang the pedals because the floor of the
>fuselage is uneven.  Has anyone hung pedals that have brake cylinders
I consider "hanging pedals" to be the preferred method.  There is 
nothing on the floor to interfere with me stretching my legs out 
between the pedals, all the way to the firewall in cruise.  Very comfy. :-)

Some photos of my setup are on the web 
page  http://myplace.frontier.com/~flesner/   Scroll down about half 
way.  Since those photos I've added an edge fence to the right pedal 
so I can tell where my right foot is located and not catch the two 
center pedals at the same time.

I extended the firewall shelf back about 2 inches or so but the 
pedals could just as easily be mounted to suitable channel attached 
to existing firewall shelf.  You will want a fixed portion of the 
pedal and a hinged section for the brake.  Space them apart a bit so 
you don't drag the brake.  Additional spacing can be achieved by 
gluing a strip of half round wood trim to the bottom of the fixed 
pedal, thickness to be determined by spacing needed.

Use two light weight springs attached to firewall, one on each side, 
to tension and center the cables.  Also, before installing the 
pedals, beef up the 90 degree corner welds with a small 
gusset,  especially the assembly for the right pedal.  That assembly 
flexes with every rudder input and the weld will brake 
eventually.  Don't ask me how I know.  You certainly don't want it to 
brake on takeoff or landing.  Mine broke on the ramp.  Lucky me.

I probably have some additional photos I could e-mail direct if these 
don't answer your questions.  I also have a very rough hand drawing 
with some approx dimensions I could e-mail if someone contacts me off 
net a  flesner at frontier.com

Larry Flesner

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