Greetings from OSH! I purchased a set of KR-1 plans from Jeanette Rand in Feb of 2009, and am getting ready to start building. I was reviewing the plans booklet and revisions, and noticed there are some drawings that are missing.?
On page 22, step 8.1.1 refers to drawing #9 concerning rudder pedals and pg 25, step 8.1.5 refers to rudder cables and nicopress fittings, also on drawing #9. On page 49, steps 14.2 and 14.9 refer to back up plates in the firewall area and to drawing #13 Also on page 49, step 14.9 refers to drawing #14, regarding engine mounts and mounting hardware. Is there any way to get drawings 9, 13 and 14 for the KR-1? ? Tim Hoversten Oshkosh, WI ? "Whatever you think is impossible, is really impossible for you. And whatever you think is possible, it really is possible for you, just don't be afraid to try it. Make a plan, consult with your friends and with the experts, with everyone who can help you - and follow your dreams. Life is easy. So keep smiling and be happy!" - Jan Hercek, Slovenian paraplegic pilot??