From: "Nerobro" wrote:

> Because I"m a bit out of the loop, has anyone built a bearing section to
> bolt to the end of the crankcase to take flight loads?  is that what the
> "5th bearing" is?  and has anyone tried to design one that completely
> removes everything but torque loading from the crankshaft?

There are two guys making "fifth bearings" for the Corvair.  Dan Weseman 
makes $1000 version that seems to work, and it's shown at   Roy Sarafinksy makes a more integrated bearing 
that bolts to each case half and splits with the engine cases, for about 
$1800, and it's shown at .  I was 
planning to make one like you describe for the Type 4 VW that I was going to 
use, and am still kicking it around for the Corvair.  There's a Corvair 
engine for aircraft list similar to this one (run by me) that can be joined 
following the instructions at the top of , and 
a lot more on the CorvAircraft engine conversion at

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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