Lee, I believe you misunderstood what Brian said about VE bonding because of
the uncured layer of resin at the surface. He was indicating that VE is a
"laminating" resin and that uncured layer of resin is for the VE to bond to ITS
OWN previous layer, ...not so it can bond to epoxy laminates. If you are going
to lay VE up over a completely cured surface of VE, you will need to scuff it,
also. If you examine a part layed up in a mold with VE resin, you will find
that the side next to the mold surface is hard cured as well as any epoxy. The
side away from the mold surface however is still gummy and unsandable unless
you have wax additive or cover it with PVA or peal-ply.
For those that don't know me, I hangared with Dan for almost 18 years and spent
countless hours working with VE just as Lee.
As far as which resin is best? ...each has its pros and cons. Use the resin
that you are comfortable with using.