>from my previous question regarding aileron pushrods I am searching for >solid steel rivets for the aileron push rods and can't find any, I would >prefer >to use the steel rivets, as the rod ends and tube are chrome steel, were I >think with alloy or monel rivets there will be corrosion issues over time. >(indifferent metals = corrosion. as I was taught at school.) any one have >any other suggestions.or another option. would steel cherry rivets be >considered strong enough to do the job? in place of solid.
You might try "Huck" or "Hi-Lock" rivets if you can find a source. Another possibility, if you have clearance for the protrusion, would be MS27039 screws with MS21042 nuts. Allen G. Wiesner KR-2SS #1117 TD/ CorvAir 65 Franklin Street Ansonia , CT 06401-1240 203-732-0508 allenw65 at comcast.net