On the first flight the elevator trim tab Nyrod sheath anchor point broke loose and moved the trim tab to the full nose up position resulting in near loss of control. Epoxy does not stick to well to plastic surfaces. For the fix: I installed an aluminum angle to support an Adel cushion clamp. The clamp captures a 1/4 inch fuel hose that was slipped over the Nyrod sheath. Wrapped the Nyrod with vinyl tape for a snug fit in the hose. The clamp keeps the cable from wiggling around and prevents the sheath from moving without pinching the inner cable. Operation of the trim tab is now smooth and positive. Here is a picture from my website for the re-worked cable support: http://websites.expercraft.com/sidwood/index.php?q=log_entry&log_id=71589
Sid Wood Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD, USA