> Do you feel mounting the servo in the elevator would adversely affect 
> mass balance and if mounted in the stab you would use less ballast near the 
> tail? 

I never mass balanced the tail, but have never tested past 215 mph IAS. ?Will 
it affect the balance? ?No doubt. ?Will it affect it adversely? ?I don't know. 
?Do I plan to mass balance the tail? ?No. ?Has this configuration been used 
before? ?Yes. ?Does it require flight testing? ?Yes. ?-Jeff

Ray Allen Servos:

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> ----- Original Message -----
> I would appreciate the site info for the Ray Allen trim servo... Thanks...jw
> Joe. E. Wallace
> jwallacep51 at gmail.com
> On Mar 24, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Jeff Scott <jscott.planes at gmx.com> wrote:
> > When I had the original tail on my KR, the MAC trim servo was mounted in 
> > the horizontal stab with a short nyrod passing through both spars to the 
> > trim tab. That worked reasonably well. I tried using a spring biasing trim 
> > when I built the larger tail for my KR in 2005. That was never 
> > satisfactory. I have the tail off my KR installing a Ray Allen trim servo 
> > now

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