Sid Wood wrote: > Made the first flight with N6242 this morning.
I would also like to congratulate my KR companion and friend for one cool
test flight. I was the ground/safety crew & observer + picture taker.
After reviewing the video it did not appear to be as bad as Sid described.
If he had not said anything, to the casual observer it would have maybe
looked like a non-event first flight that was shortened due to mechanical
problems. But I am sure the cockpit view was a totally different
perspective. He has joined that elite crowd of Orville and Alan and Neil as
a fellow test pilot who took to the air and returned their aircraft safely
Sid has been one of the most persistent builders I have known and all
of his years of engineering and construction work paid off - I hope to join
him some day in that elite group of first time test pilots. I also salute
all those KR pilots who have gone before him!
Lusby, MD
KR2S Builder