Not surprisingly, Reports view is disabled. Not sure why. When I use the exact same script to compile 5.1, the reports are enabled. Oddly enough, the compiler output The Reports view is disabled when compiling the 5.1 branch (see below). I can assure you, the reports tab is available and I can open reports in 5.1.

What is the difference between the 5.1 branch and the master branch?

Master Branch:

-- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:

-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:

-- The following features have been enabled:
 * Encryption, Allows to store your financial data using strong GPG encryption.
 * Doxygen, Generate API documentation with Doxygen (for devs only).
 * Holidays, Allows fetching holidays from KDE PIM system.
 * Forecast view, Adds possibility to calculate forecasts.
 * Budget view, Adds possibility to plan a budget.
 * Online job outbox view, Adds outbox for sending online jobs.
 * SQL Storage, Allows storing your financial data in SQL database.
 * LibOFX, Enables OFX import, export, and Direct Connect using LibOFX library.
 * SQLCipher, Allows encrypting your SQLite3 database.
 * KBanking, Interface for the following online banking protocols: HBCI, EBICS, OFX Direct Connect, Paypal
 * Woob, Online banking interface using Woob.
 * iCalendar, iCalendar integration.
 * Internationalization, Generation of i18n files (messages and docs)

-- The following features have been disabled:
 * Address book, Allows fetching payee information from KDE PIM system.
 * Reports view, Adds possibility to display chart and table reports.
 * SQL Tracer, It traces the SQL queries to the console.
 * IBAN/BIC data, Adds predefined IBAN/BIC numbers to KMyMoney (note: doesn't work yet).
 * Cost center support, Adds support for cost centers (for devs only).
 * Warnings as errors, Enforces all warnings to be reported as errors.
 * Model test, Generate modeltest code (for devs only).
 * QtDesigner, Qt-Designer library support (for devs only).

-- Configuring done (2.9s)
-- Generating done (0.7s)

5.1 Branch:

-- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:

-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:

-- The following features have been enabled:
 * Encryption, Allows to store your financial data using strong GPG encryption.
 * Doxygen, Generate API documentation with Doxygen (for devs only).
 * Holidays, Allows fetching holidays from KDE PIM system.
 * Forecast view, Adds possibility to calculate forecasts.
 * Budget view, Adds possibility to plan a budget.
 * Online job outbox view, Adds outbox for sending online jobs.
 * SQL Storage, Allows storing your financial data in SQL database.
 * SQLCipher, Allows encrypting your SQLite3 database.
 * OFX Importer, Allows importing OFX files (have client uid version: yes)
 * KBanking, Interface for the following online banking protocols: HBCI, EBICS, OFX Direct Connect, Paypal
 * Woob, Online banking interface using Woob.
 * iCalendar, iCalendar integration.
 * QIF Importer, Allows importing QIF files.
 * QIF Exporter, Allows exporting QIF files.
 * GNC Importer, Allows importing GNUCash files.
 * CSV Importer, Allows importing CSV files.
 * CSV Exporter, Allows exporting CSV files.
 * New features, Compiles unfinished features for testing.

-- The following features have been disabled:
 * Address book, Allows fetching payee information from KDE PIM system.
 * Reports view, Adds possibility to display chart and table reports.
 * IBAN/BIC data, Adds predefined IBAN/BIC numbers to KMyMoney (note: doesn't work yet).
 *, create script to support local execution
 * Model test, Generate modeltest code (for devs only).
 * QtDesigner, Qt-Designer library support (for devs only).

-- Configuring done (2.8s)
-- Generating done (0.6s)

*Brendan Coupe*

On 2025-01-13 4:27 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
On Montag, 13. Januar 2025 02:06:02 CET Brendan Coupe via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

After send that last email I realize this probably all changed when I
upgraded from Fedora 39 to 40 or from 40 to 41. These upgrades happened
close together so I'm not sure which one caused this but I suspect a
package is no longer included in 40 and/or 41 that was included in 39.

The "Python module failed to load" in the command line output is
probably the cause.
I doubt that, since the reports have nothing to do with Python.

When you run cmake, make sure reports show up in the supported section
in the overview. See attached screenshot how it looks for me.


*Brendan Coupe*

On 2025-01-12 5:56 PM, Brendan Coupe wrote:
I use Tabbed view which has caused a weird problem in the past which
Thomas tracked down and fixed, probably over 10 years ago.

I switched to the other 2 views and reports is missing on both.

I save the output from my builds in a log file. There is no mention of in the recent logs. I see lots of mentions in the logs
up until October of last year. This includes builds of both the 5.1
and Master branches. I searched the recent source trees and there is
no file named

Here is the command line output:

WebConnect: Running in server mode
This is not KMyMoney plugin:
3:2025/01/12 17-40-41:(null)(111506):banking_update.c:  610: No
AqBanking config folder found at
[/home/bcoupe/.aqbanking/settings6/users] (-1)
3:2025/01/12 17-40-41:(null)(111506):banking_update.c:  610: No
AqBanking config folder found at
[/home/bcoupe/.aqbanking/settings/users] (-1)
3:2025/01/12 17-40-41:(null)(111506):banking_update.c:  411: There is
no old settings folder, need initial setup
"kmymoneyVydATp" Python module failed to load
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/tmp/", line 10, in <module>
     import logging.config
   File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/logging/", line 31, in <module>
     import logging.handlers
   File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/logging/", line 30, in <module>
     import pickle
   File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 33, in <module>
     from struct import pack, unpack
   File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 13, in <module>
     from _struct import *
undefined symbol: PyByteArray_Type

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: GFileInfo
created without standard::icon

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: file
../gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1765 (g_file_info_get_icon): should not be

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: GFileInfo
created without standard::icon

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: file
../gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1765 (g_file_info_get_icon): should not be

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: GFileInfo
created without standard::icon

(kmymoney:111506): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 17:41:20.715: file
../gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1765 (g_file_info_get_icon): should not be

*Brendan Coupe*

On 2025-01-12 5:37 PM, Jack via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
On 2025.01.12 18:29, Brendan Coupe via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
I have been using the master branch that I compile myself for the
past couple of months. I just realized that the reports tab is
missing. I compiled the 5.1 branch and confirmed that it shows thew
reports tab.

I assume this is not expected and I may be missing a dependency. Any
suggestions? I'm running Fedora 41 and I don't see any obvious
errors in the compile output log.


I assume you are referring to the Reports icon on the View Selecter
on the left of the display.  Yes, it should still be present, and is
so in my copy compiled from master branch earlier today.  Offhand, I
can't really think of anything that might cause it to disappear.

The first place I would look is at the console output if you run KMM
from command line, in case there is something missing at runtime.  I
do see:
Loading "/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kmymoney_plugins/"
Plugins: reportsview loaded

If nothing strange shows up there, I would grep through the build
output (make or ninja, which you may have to configure for logging)
for anything related to reports, particularly confirming whether
there is any error related to being compiled.


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