OK, so it looks correct, it’s just closing itself immediately.

@JP or @Wayne,

Could one of you put a breakpoint in NET_SELECTOR_POPUP::DoPopup() (in 
net_selector.cpp somewhere around line 134) and see why it’s exiting?


> On 25 Sep 2018, at 14:04, Andrzej Wolski <awolski.ki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is how it looks:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/fplbtsct41ycwoj/kicad%202018-09-25%2014-53-52.mov?dl=0
> Moving mouse does not change anything.
> Andrzej
> W dniu 2018-09-25 o 14:15, Jeff Young pisze:
>> Hi Andrzej,
>> A couple of more questions.  Does it look right when it shows up briefly, or 
>> is it very short?
>> Do you move the mouse inside it before it closes back up, or does it do that 
>> even if you don’t move the mouse at all?
>> If the former, can you move the mouse into it very quickly after clicking?  
>> Does that change the behaviour any?
>> Cheers,
>> Jeff.
>>> On 25 Sep 2018, at 11:46, Andrzej Wolski <awolski.ki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Another observation: when I click on net selector and try to enter 
>>> character there, the character goes into "start point x" or "position x" 
>>> field.
>>> Andrzej
>>> W dniu 2018-09-25 o 12:29, Jeff Young pisze:
>>>> Hi Andrzej,
>>>> How recent is your code?  Seth made some recent fixes to the Net Selector 
>>>> on GTK, so let’s make sure you’ve got that code first.
>>>> Neither Seth nor I have MSW, so all bets are off there….
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jeff.
>>>>> On 25 Sep 2018, at 11:09, Andrzej Wolski <awolski.ki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>>> net selector seems to no longer work on Windows and Linux.
>>>>> When I try to drop it down it just flickers and folds back up.
>>>>> Andrzej
>>>>> W dniu 2018-09-21 o 21:43, Jeff Young pisze:
>>>>>> I just pushed a new version of the net selector combobox.  It’s a 
>>>>>> complete re-write using less wxStuff, and so hopefully won’t run into 
>>>>>> the same bugs.
>>>>>> It’s used in the Track Properties, Pad Properties and Global Edit Tracks 
>>>>>> and Vias dialogs; if you get a chance to try it out I’d love to hear 
>>>>>> what works and what doesn’t.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Jeff.
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