
If it still isn't fixed by the weekend, I will fix it.  I am pretty busy
over the next few days for the holidays.

Adam Wolf

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Bernhard Stegmaier <
> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> 1)
> I think it will be really good to have it as you have shown.
> My comment about the arrow is just a graphical one, not about usability.
> I have seen nice curved ones in other dmgs, but I guess you have to be a
> designer to do that… I am also still happy to draw some lines correctly
> with InkScape… :)
> 2)
> No, should be in since the last one of the bigger build changes… checked
> and its there since 5162.
> Ah, maybe that’s the problem:
> It is there for, but is missing in pcbnew/Info.plist, so it
> won’t be there for the standalone pcbnew.
> Will you fix this or should I?
> Regards,
> Bernhard
> On 23.12.2014, at 21:38, Adam Wolf <> wrote:
> Can't win, can I?  I started making a pretty background with a faint
> texture and a nicer arrowhead than inkscape's default, and said--they'll
> all gripe so let's make something that's obviously a sketch...    Next time
> I will draw a sketch on a napkin and scan it in! :)  The backgrounds in the
> screenshot are literally just so people can see what we mean when we say
> "two things to drag" and "two DMGs".
> 1)  This is a seriously complicated problem, the "how do we do a good OS X
> installer". (I can barely believe it is as complicated as it is, and I
> cannot believe how many hours W&L has clocked on this problem.  This isn't
> due to just OS X, more like OS X and Kicad making different assumptions
> sometimes...)
> I want to encourage productive discussion about this, but my time is
> limited and I would mostly rather get to something we could release, and
> then continue discussion.  Having two things to drag is the simplest at
> this point, but we can discuss it again if people want.
> 2) Bernhard, is that newish?  Before I got sick that wasn't happening
> automatically on my builds, so say 2-3 weeks ago?
> Adam Wolf
> Cofounder and Engineer
> W&L
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Bernhard Stegmaier <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> that looks great!
>> Apart from the a little bit too big arrow-heads Nick already mentioned… :)
>> Regarding KIGITHUB:
>> It is already set in …/ to
>>     <key>LSEnvironment</key>
>>         <dict>
>>             <key>KIGITHUB</key>     <string>
>>         </dict>
>> Any problems with this?
>> Regards,
>> Bernhard
>> On 23.12.2014, at 19:14, Adam Wolf <> wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> I have a jenkins system here--I can upload my build artifacts to the
>> Kicad Jenkins though. I would prefer not to make my system be a direct
>> build slave for security reasons.
>> I was out sick all last week with a 102F fever, but this weekend I
>> updated my script to build a good Kicad footprints dmg.  I think the last
>> thing left before the next status update is setting KIGITHUB.  I tested it
>> and it works well, but I need to do it automatically.
>> Adam Wolf
>> Cofounder and Engineer
>> W&L
>> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Nick Østergaard <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Adam
>>> I see that your builds is not added to the Jenkins running on
>>> I want to see that happen, and Miguel gave me rights
>>> on Jenkins some time ago.
>>> So if you are ready to set this up, it should be straight forward to
>>> add a slave node (your OSX machine). All it takes is jave on the
>>> slave, and a SSH connection. Jenkins copies a jar to the slave where
>>> jenkins operate from.
>>> It can be used with a username and password, or via SSH keys. I tried
>>> both with the fedora20 connection. Seems to work nicely.
>>> Basically what is needed for the SSH key method, that is a private key
>>> on the master and the public key in the authorized_keys file on the
>>> relevant user on the slave. I guess it is best to have a dedicated
>>> user on the box for the kicad build, just for seperation of access to
>>> the filesystem.
>>> The jenkins job is just invoking commands on the shell, so if you
>>> already have a script to do the work, I can just call that from
>>> jenkins, and you can easily maintain it. I think.  Maybe some catches
>>> for errors is needed for proper buildfailure detection. Otherwise I
>>> guess I can give you rights on the master.
>>> Regards
>>> Nick Østergaard
>>> 2014-10-30 15:01 GMT+01:00 Adam Wolf <>:
>>> > Hi folks,
>>> >
>>> > Things are progressing very well on the OS X packaging front!
>>> >
>>> > Every time bzr is updated for lp:kicad, a Mac build is generated, and
>>> every
>>> > night, a clean build is generated and packaged as a dmg.  Miguel is
>>> working
>>> > on fixing my SSH credentials on the server, so I can push the build
>>> logs and
>>> > dmgs.
>>> >
>>> > I've done my best to script a dmg creator that matches what end-users
>>> expect
>>> > from downloaded Mac applications.  I think it is very good at this
>>> point.
>>> >
>>> > You can see an image of what it looks like inside one of these dmgs,
>>> > attached to this email.
>>> >
>>> > The build log is included with every package, and also will be
>>> uploaded next
>>> > to every package, so that you don't have to download the entire
>>> package to
>>> > see a build log.
>>> >
>>> > The package is currently around 200 megs.
>>> >
>>> > The README is dynamically generated at package time.  A sample one
>>> follows.
>>> > Please let me know if you have any additions or suggestions:
>>> >
>>> > KiCad
>>> > =====
>>> > KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional
>>> schematics
>>> > and printed circuit boards up to 32 copper layers. KiCad runs on
>>> Windows,
>>> > Linux and OS X and is released under the open-source GNU GPL v2 free of
>>> > charge.
>>> >
>>> > With KiCad you can create schematic diagrams and printed circuit board
>>> up to
>>> > 32 copper layers. KiCad comes with a rich set of libraries with 3D
>>> models as
>>> > well.
>>> >
>>> > KiCad is a mature EDA software tool under active development by a team
>>> of
>>> > developers and a vibrant user group. KiCad team counts three main
>>> developers
>>> > and a dozen of regular contributors.
>>> >
>>> > Documentation
>>> > =============
>>> > Documentation is available in this disk image under docs/, and is
>>> available
>>> > online at
>>> >
>>> > Changelog
>>> > =========
>>> > You can browse the changelog at
>>> >
>>> .
>>> >
>>> > Reporting Issues
>>> > ================
>>> > The KiCad developers are working hard to provide quality, binary
>>> releases to
>>> > our users.  As of September 2014, the OS X package is under heavy,
>>> active
>>> > development.
>>> >
>>> > If you encounter issues with this software, please report a bug at
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > To help us, please include the details from "About This Build" in this
>>> file
>>> > or the name of the download file (kicad-r*.dmg).  Please also include
>>> the
>>> > output from running the following command in the Terminal:
>>> >
>>> >     sw_vers
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > About This Build
>>> > ================
>>> > KiCad revision: r5237
>>> > Packaged on 20143010-034759
>>> > Packaging script revision: r20
>>> > Build script revision: r20
>>> > CMake Settings: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang
>>> > -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
>>> > -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=../wx-bin/bin/wx-config
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > QA/Testing:
>>> > At the moment, I have set up another OS X machine running a freshly
>>> > installed 10.10.  I haven't installed anything else, and I am testing
>>> the
>>> > Kicad packages on there, and then once I have tested them, I am
>>> reverting
>>> > the system back to the state as it was "freshly installed."  This is
>>> not
>>> > ideal at all, but every day these packages aren't available is another
>>> day I
>>> > spend 20 minutes replying to people asking me where Mac builds are :)
>>> >
>>> > What's Left:
>>> >
>>> > * Automated uploads to the website.  I poked Miguel about this
>>> recently, and
>>> > he says he'll try to get to it today.
>>> >
>>> > * The current Mac build appears to have some dependencies beyond what
>>> we
>>> > include in the bundle.  For example, on a freshly installed 10.10
>>> system
>>> > with this bundle, I cannot open pcbnew.  I verified this myself.  A
>>> tester
>>> > reported to me that he was able to fix it by installing brew, libpng,
>>> > libpixman, and libfontconfig.  I have not verified that fix yet.
>>> >
>>> > The error is: 06:53:16:
>>> dlopen(/Volumes/Contents/PlugIns/_pcbnew.kiface,
>>> > 10): image not found
>>> > 06:53:16: IO_ERROR: Fatal Installation Bug
>>> > missing file:
>>> > '/Volumes/Contents/PlugIns/_pcbnew.kiface'
>>> >
>>> > argv[0]:
>>> > '/Volumes/Kicad/Kicad/'
>>> > from
>>> >
>>> /Users/jenkins/remoteroot/workspace/KiCadMacBuild/kicad/common/kiway.cpp :
>>> > KiFACE() : line 219
>>> > It appears that it is looking for Contents/PlugIns/_pcbnew.kiface at
>>> the
>>> > wrong place, and I am not sure why installing those libraries would
>>> fix that
>>> > problem.  I am going to pull this out into its own email so discussion
>>> of
>>> > this doesn't get merged with other nightly build questions.
>>> >
>>> > * Including libraries?  Not sure about this one.
>>> >
>>> > What has been done:
>>> >
>>> > * We redid our build cluster in a way that we could let in other
>>> people, and
>>> > not see the rest of the Wayne and Layne internal projects.  I hope to
>>> get
>>> > some more people in the packaging group, and this was a crucial first
>>> step.
>>> >
>>> > * We have an OS X machine for building, and an OS X machine for
>>> testing, and
>>> > can restore it to the "freshly installed" state very easily.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > Adam Wolf
>>> > Cofounder and Engineer
>>> >
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