
I have been working on the Mac OS X build for quite a while now, and I was 
successful in the build.
The weak part was the install, as the default install was installing the 
bundles in /usr/local/bin which is wrong for Apple OS X.
So I added a “-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$INSTALL_DIR” in my script with 
The Cmake was still wrong because the bundles were installed in 
"/Applications/KiCad/bin” instead of “/Applications/KiCad”.
Adam Wolf helped me to have the script running as it is described in the file 
you mentioned in your previous email.
I succeeded the first time February 27th, and I posted an email here, so you 
can find it in the ML archive.
On March 13th, you told me to connect on IRC. I went there, and waited for 
hours without anyone ever talking. I only saw a bunch of users all asleep, 
maybe that was because of the time difference between USA and Europe.
We had several emails between you, Adam and me around from March 21st to March 
26th, so I progressed in my build. That is the period when Dick started to help 

I modified my script to move the files to the right place, and that was not 
good enough. That’s when Dick helped me a lot to understand what was wrong. I 
posted all the steps in this mailing list, so you should have been made aware 
of the issues
few weeks ago.

As of today, the OS X build (BZR4830) is broken again.
174 warnings and 2 errors generated.
make[2]: *** [pcbnew/router/CMakeFiles/pnsrouter.dir/pns_router.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [pcbnew/router/CMakeFiles/pnsrouter.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Mon Apr 28 12:30:08 EDT 2014

Building KiCad for OS X took 0:17:09.

jean-pauls-mbp:Soft_Dev jean-paullouis$ cat ~/Soft_Dev/kicad-build/version.h | 
grep BZR
#define KICAD_BUILD_VERSION "(2014-04-25 BZR 4830)"
jean-pauls-mbp:Soft_Dev jean-paullouis$ 

Will you help to fix this?


On Apr 28, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Marco Serantoni <> wrote:

> realized

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