I also just tried --target 4.4 when building with craft and it built just fine 
with correct links and install names.  So maybe this must be some issue 
specific to the latest ffmpeg version.

> On May 14, 2022, at 4:36 PM, Robert Lancaster <rlanca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I dug a little deeper, I can confirm that this issue occurs when ffmpeg is 
> being installed and it occurs whether or not the cache is used.  It is 
> already incorrectly linked in the image directory in the craft build 
> directory for ffmpeg.  It seems that the cause is that the install name is 
> incorrect for two of the ffmpeg packages.  Here is a piece of the build log 
> for ffmpeg during the building of these libraries showing the two similar 
> issues which then cause the aforementioned linking problem:
> /usr/bin/clang -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module 
> -Wl,-install_name,/Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/craft-root/build/libs/ffmpeg/image-RelWithDebInfo-5.0.1/Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/craft-root/lib/libavdevice.59.dylib,-current_version,59.4.100,
> /usr/bin/clang -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module 
> -Wl,-install_name,/Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/craft-root/build/libs/ffmpeg/image-RelWithDebInfo-5.0.1/Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/craft-root/lib/libavfilter.8.dylib,-current_version,8.24.100,
> Here is one where the install name is correct, which means that it will then 
> be fine when linked:
> /usr/bin/clang -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module 
> -Wl,-install_name,/Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/craft-root/lib/libavutil.57.dylib,-current_version,57.17.100,
> So, somehow either something in the code in the new version of ffmpeg for 
> these two libraries is incorrectly giving them the wrong install name, or 
> something is wrong with the recipe causing the same problem.
> Thanks,
> Rob
>> On May 14, 2022, at 4:07 PM, Robert Lancaster <rlanca...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:rlanca...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I believe there was a commit that you made around that time that changed 
>> ffmpeg, but I can’t guarantee that this must be the cause.
>> https://invent.kde.org/packaging/craft-blueprints-kde/-/commit/fe148aaee6d777e9e808a4613f942ec734516b7e
>> <https://invent.kde.org/packaging/craft-blueprints-kde/-/commit/fe148aaee6d777e9e808a4613f942ec734516b7e>
>>> On May 14, 2022, at 4:05 PM, Robert Lancaster <rlanca...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:rlanca...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Hannah,
>>> Something changed in the craft build of FFMPEG between May 2nd and May 4th. 
>>>  We are now getting this error when packaging KStars on Binary Factory.  
>>> https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/MacOS/job/KStars_Nightly_macos/ 
>>> <https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/MacOS/job/KStars_Nightly_macos/>
>>> The last successful build was May 2nd.
>>> [2022-05-05T17:22:22.892Z] 
>>> /Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/build/kde/applications/kstars/archive/Applications/KDE/kstars.app/Contents/Frameworks/libavdevice.59.4.100.dylib:
>>>  don't know how to handle otool -L output: 
>>> '/Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/build/libs/ffmpeg/image-RelWithDebInfo-5.0.1/Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/lib/libavfilter.8.dylib'
>>> It looks to me like there is a linking issue.  For some reason, the 
>>> (nonexistent) path for libavfilter stored in libavdevice is:
>>> '/Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/build/libs/ffmpeg/image-RelWithDebInfo-5.0.1/Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/lib/libavfilter.8.dylib'
>>> When it should be either 
>>> /Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/lib/libavfilter.8.dylib
>>> Or 
>>> @rpath/libavfilter.8.dylib
>>> In fact all the other ffmpeg dylibs are linked like this:
>>> /Users/packaging/Craft/BinaryFactory/macos-64-clang/lib/libavfilter.8.dylib
>>> It is just that one that is wrong.
>>> Was there some sort of craft change which would break this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob

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