
Am Fri, 15 May 2020 23:38:04 +0200
schrieb Stefan Gerlach <stefan.gerl...@uni-konstanz.de>:
> i was wondering what it takes to include translations from
> svn.kde.org when building anything from git.kde.org with Craft. This
> functionality would be very handy for nightly builds on binary
> factory.

for what it's worth, for rkward we have:
1) a python script to gather the translations
2) a scratch repo where those are exported to (on a manual schedule) and
3) a simple separate craft blueprint "rkward-translations"

This is not what you are asking for, of course, but can be used to
enable translations for your build. And perhaps 1) could be integrated
into craft in some elegant, generic way.


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