On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 9:23 PM Dove, Connie (DES) <connie.d...@des.wa.gov>

> Good morning,

Hi Connie,

>   We were told we needed to install a version of Kleopatra on a couple
> work stations for a software package we are using.  I have been trying to
> find the correct download for Windows 10 machines.  Can you point me to the
> correct location?

We certainly can. My apologies for the delay in responding to you on this.

The correct place to go for Kleopatra (and GPG on Windows in general) is

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

> Thanks
> [image: Title: Enterprise Technology Solutions Logo]
> *Connie Dove*
> *System and Infrastructure Support*
> Department of Enterprise Services - Enterprise Technology Solutions
> *Phone Number:* 360.407.9268 | *Email:* connie.d...@des.wa.gov
> <x...@des.wa.gov>
> *Address*: 1500 Jefferson St SE, Olympia WA 98501 | *Mail Stop:* 41497
> [image: Title: Hyperlink to Department of Enterprise Services Homepage]
> <http://des.wa.gov/>[image: Title: Hyperlink to Access.wa Homepage]
> <http://access.wa.gov/> [image: Title: Hyperlink to Department of
> Enterprise Services IT Support 4 U help desk]
> <https://desitsupport4u.des.wa.gov/hc/en-us>
  • Kleopatra Dove, Connie (DES)
    • Re: Kleopatra Ben Cooksley

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