Hi Hannah,

It looks to me like the QT Quick issues that I mentioned first in this email 
are now fixed.  After I built KStars, it did not crash due to the error.  Thank 
you very much!

I think I may have just solved the issue with FFTW as well.  I believe that the 
reason the program that needed FFTW headers to build could not find the header 
files was due to an issue in the cmakelist.txt of that program, not with my 
recipe for FFTW itself.  I had already solved this problem in the cmakelist for 
building INDIServer using craft, but my change to the include directory there 
didn’t trickle down to all of the INDI libraries.  So I just sent a pull 
request to Jasem to fix this issue.

That means I think that the only remaining issue that I sent in this email 
then, is SCONS/GPSD.

So I think now I can work on figuring out what changes will need to be made in 
order for craft to package this up nicely into a DMG the same way our script 

Also as I mentioned, I might be ready in the next week or two to send these 
recipes to somebody for feedback/finishing.



> On Nov 17, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Robert Lancaster <rlanca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hannah,
> I think one of these issues should be solved.  Jasem removed the requirement 
> fo Boost-Regex for INDI, so that one doesn’t matter anymore.  So one less 
> headache to worry about.
> Thanks,
> Rob
>> On Nov 3, 2018, at 12:01 PM, Robert Lancaster <rlanca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Hannah,
>> First, thank you for your help last week.  I fixed a few problems with my 
>> recipes where things changed since I worked on it this summer and now just 
>> about everything works again.  Last summer I was at the point where there 
>> were just 3 things that I needed to install with homebrew to get KStars to 
>> fully build for Mac in craft.  They included gpsd, fftw, and boost.  After I 
>> did a little work this week, I think the recipes are back to that point 
>> again.  I would like get recipes working for those 3 things, but none of 
>> them are hugely critical so we could either use homebrew with them for now 
>> or remove them from the build and KStars would still work.  I separated my 
>> questions below into 2 sections, the ones that deal with those 3 packages, 
>> and other questions that are more important.  The goal is to get it all up 
>> and running so KStars and its dependencies can all be built with craft, but 
>> if those 3 things I mentioned are not done yet, it's not a huge problem.
>> First the really important questions:
>> 1. The most important question is for qtquick.  After I get kstars built and 
>> everything appears to be working, if I try to run anything in kstars that is 
>> based on qml such as the What’s Interesting window or the Mount Box, it gets 
>> a segmentation fault and says it can’t find qtquick.  This used to work just 
>> fine, so something got changed.  I sent my recipes to Jasem today so he can 
>> test it out to verify this.  This is true if I try to run it in QT Creator 
>> or if I try to run it after it is built with craft.  What information would 
>> you need to help diagnose this problem?
>> 2. Very soon, I will be ready to have somebody take a look at all these 
>> recipes that I needed to get KStars fully building on Mac with craft.  There 
>> are around 40 of them.  Jasem can certainly look at them, but is there 
>> somebody specific to craft who should look at them?  I have not tested any 
>> of it on windows, so I don’t know if something would need to be done to 
>> these recipes to modify them or set them apart.  (Though it would be really 
>> great to get KStars on windows to include many of the things that my recipes 
>> build on Mac now). Also I don’t know what the procedure would be to get them 
>> up and running so anybody can use them.  What would be the next steps?
>> Now the ones that are less time critical.  For right now I would like your 
>> opinions about them, especially if there is something easy that would fix 
>> them, but we don’t need to spend a lot of time now trying to solve them:
>> 1.  GPSD/SCONS  One of the dependencies for INDI 3rd Party is gpsd.  We have 
>> been using gpsd installed with home-brew for awhile now.  To build it with 
>> craft, it looks like it needs scons.  I see that kde thought about using 
>> scons for building in the past, but adopted cmake instead.  Does Craft have 
>> a way to build with scons like it does with autotools?   It looks to me like 
>> scons is more like a build system like autotools than it is like a package, 
>> so I would assume that scons would need to be in the build system in order 
>> to work.  Would this be correct? I did try a couple of things.  I tried to 
>> install scons using system commands in a craft recipe.  That mostly worked, 
>> but the engine files seem to be in the wrong place.  The other option 
>> appears to be to install scons using PipPackageBase, but that causes an 
>> error due to permissions since it tries to install in /usr/local instead of 
>> somewhere in craft.  What would be your suggestion, to try and get scons 
>> installing using PIP, with system commands, or do you need to set up a new 
>> Build System for Scons builds?
>> 2.  BOOST-REGEX and FFTW.  There is a recipe for Boost regex and I wrote a 
>> recipe for FFTW.  Both of them seem to install, but when I try to install 
>> the programs that rely on them, those programs cannot find the files for 
>> these 2 programs for some reason.  When I install these 2 in homebrew, the 
>> programs that depend on them install in craft just fine, but when I install 
>> these 2 in craft, the programs that depend on them can’t find their 
>> library/include files.  The problem is probably similar.
>> I can send you craft logs and/or recipes for any of these things that you 
>> might need, just let me know what would be most useful.
>> Thank you very much for your time and help.  It will be worth it if we can 
>> get this all up and running.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob

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