Hi Christoph,

The idea is that binary-factory offers daily stable and unstable build,
using always the latest libraries provided by Craft.

Pointing people to the unstable job for nighties is a ok.

For releases the idea was that a team tests a specific installer, if
everything works ok the
team then follows the usual release process for downloads-kde.



On 15/08/2018 22:36, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hi,
> if we e.g. want to link to the lastest produced binary packages
> from the binary factory for Kate (nightly and release), what is the right
> way to do that?
> Is there some download.kde.org place were the last sucessfull builds are kept
> some days for public consumption? I assume one should not link the latest 
> successful
> build pages like
> https://binary-factory.kde.org/view/Windows%2064-bit/job/Kate_Release_win64/
> to the user, or?
> Greetings
> Christoph

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