Hi Robert,

I was about to update libraw and use one of the many broken build
systems they ship until I came across

> ## RawSpeed section
> INCLUDEPATH+=../../RawSpeed/
> win32:INCLUDEPATH+= $$TJDIR/include
> win32:INCLUDEPATH+=d:/Qt/local/include d:/Qt/local/include/libxml2
> win32:LIBS+=-L$$TJDIR/lib$$TJSUFF/$$SUFF  -ljpeg
> win32:LIBS+=-lrawspeed -Ld:/Qt/local/lib/$$SUFF -llibxml2
Thats what they hard code in their qmake .pro files .

If you need a newer/working copy of libraw feel free to update it with
any buildsystem that might work.



Am 20/06/2018 um 19:21 schrieb Robert Lancaster:
> Hi Hannah,
> Libraw seems to be failing to build sometimes with a bunch of errors.  But 
> then other times it says it succeeded.  Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Rob

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