Hi Rob,

The log message

2017-09-03 11:06:54,995 DEBUG Craft was unable to locate: snoresend

is just a message and no error.

If craft fails for you with the snoresend command please paste your log.

The past for kwallet didn't contain the error message. Please send the
full log.

Log files can be found in ~/.craft

To get an answer on IRC you should state your question and stay around.

To stay connected to the chat even when you shut down your computer you
could use a service like matrix



On 01/09/2017 23:53, Robert Lancaster wrote:
> Hi Hannah,
> Yes, I did try #kde-windows first, but I didn’t get any response.
>  Maybe I wasn’t using it properly.  For snore, if it is not installed
> and you don’t change the settings file, craft will error out and say
> that it cannot find snoresend.
> For kwallet, here are the lines on which it fails.  Please let me know
> if you need more.  I could post the whole log of the build attempt.
> https://paste.kde.org/p1rn2dqer
> Thank you,
> Rob
>> On Sep 1, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Hannah von Reth <vonr...@kde.org
>> <mailto:vonr...@kde.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> Our main communication channel is #kde-windows on freenode so thats
>> where you get the most support.
>> But this mailings list is correct too.
>> Regarding your problems:
>> 1. snore is not needed, if the application is not found you won't get
>> notifications and a warning in the log file, but Craft should not fail.
>> 2. gpgmepp is now part of gpgme but not for our Windows build yet, so
>> currently ignoring the package on linux and mac is correct.
>> 3. can you please paste the error message? You just pasted that it fails
>> at step 18 of 100.
>> Cheers,
>> Hannah
>> On 01/09/2017 22:41, Robert Lancaster wrote:
>>> Hi, this is Rob Lancaster.   I have been working with the Mac version
>>> of KStars.  We have been using an older version of craft because we
>>> have had problems with the latest version and I would like to correct
>>> them so we can use the latest version.  We would like to have a fully
>>> automated script, since there are quite a few steps required for
>>> packaging up KStars and turning it into a dmg afterwards with all of
>>> the files and programs it needs.  The goal is really to have the user
>>> just need to run one command and get a fully deployable dmg.  Right
>>> now with an older version of craft we have that, but with the newer
>>> version, there are several issues.  So right now, our script checks
>>> out an older version of craft using git.  I would like to see if we
>>> can fix those issues though so that isn’t necessary.
>>> Our current script is located here:
>>>  https://github.com/jamiesmith/kstars-on-osx.  I have been making a
>>> number of changes though that will make it work with a newer version
>>> of craft, but I don’t want to push those changes until it works.
>>> 1.  Snore.  Craft fails because it is trying to use snore and it is
>>> not installed.  I tried to build snore but that failed due to a couple
>>> of build errors.  Is Snore really needed?  I was able to edit
>>> craftsettings.ini file to comment out Notify = snore.  But I was
>>> wondering if that is the best thing to do.
>>> 2.  Next there was a problem with kde/applications/gpgmepp.  It caused
>>> a build error.  Is that really needed?  Jasem told me to remove it by
>>> editing craftsettings.ini like this.  Is that correct?
>>> Ignores =
>>> gnuwin32/.*;dev-util/.*;binary/.*;kdesupport/kdewin;win32libs/.*;libs/qt5/.*;kde/applications/gpgmepp
>>> 3.  Now I am having a problem with frameworks/tier3/kwallet.  Jasem
>>> said he didn’t know what to do about this one.  It said
>>> "/usr/local/bin/ninja: b'ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.”  It
>>> was trying to build kwallet. It failed at this
>>> point: /usr/local/bin/ninja: b'[18/110].  I can send my terminal log
>>> if that helps.
>>> Thank you for your help,
>>> Rob Lancaster

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