Hi Thomas

On 18/05/2017 10:29, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> Hi!
> On Mon, 8 May 2017 12:08:01 +0000
> Hannah von Reth <vonr...@kde.org> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We recently got a stable branch and will soon have KF5 binaries.
>> So basically we'll have a KF5 Windows SDK soon.
> Wonderful! That was my topmost wish for KDE on Windows for a long time.
> Thanks for making it happen!
> Some questions:
> - Does it cache sources (perhaps at least for "archive" downloads, might
>   be difficult for version controlled sources)? I think one of the most
>   common causes of build breakage (esp. breakage over time) has been
>   upstream moving their downloads around, or even removing some
>   downloads, entirely.
We will package also all tool to archive a full KD5 build.
Packaging sources isn't planned as for most targets we use tarballs and
A build can be reproduced by using Craft, re uploading all KF5 tarballs
and Qt tarballs wouldn't add much value.
> - What's the workflow / commit policy? Are the stable branches to be
>   considered "frozen", or to what degree? Is it ok to update extragear
>   applications to new versions, for instance? Is it ok to patch for
>   compilation with a non-default compiler? Is it ok to patch for
>   non-critical stuff?
Commits to extragear are welcome also changes to KDE Applications.
I'd see the frameworks category as semi frozen, only reviewed patches
can be applied there and only if they are really needed.
So everything that's cached is semi frozen.
Updating a 3party lib won't happen besides a severe security issue.

> - I suppose the current "stable" branch is "the branch that will
>   become the _next_ version of the SDK (aka Qt5.6.2/KF5.33.0 or
>   whatever). How does this relate to master, then? Or is "stable" just
>   a placeholder label until the branch naming has been decided on?
The branch is a place holder as soon as 2017.05 is branched the stable
branch will change again.
Currently the only difference in the stable branch are some patches and
the default targets for the recipes.
Maybe dev would be a better name for the stable branch, I don't know.
The stable branch is meant to be the next release.
> - What - besides voting on the poll - can we do to help? Now, and in
>   the long run?
Besides voting. For now please try to use craft stable, I uploaded a new
cache this morning and I plan to do the release this week.
The cache should work, but there still might be some issues, so pls
build some applications also some qmake projects with the stable branch.

After the release we need to upgrade the KF5 and application versions
maybe update a few 3rd party libs, but the most important step will be
to  make sure that the current kf5 tarballs are OK. Of course adding and
fixing recipes for KDE Applications is also important and welcome.

Well and if everything works, please spread the word after the release
and make KDE devs to support the Windows platform and provide a single
application installer for their project.
> Regards
> Thomas



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