Hi Adam,

This is not caused by PowerShell but by an old version of wget in your path.
You can locate it either by calling “where.exe wget” or from the extended log 
in %userprofile%/.craft .

Please remove it from your system or your path variable.

Kind regards,


From: Adam Kalisz<mailto:adam.kal...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 14 April 2017 15:41
To: kde-windows@kde.org<mailto:kde-windows@kde.org>
Subject: Craft in PowerShell, broken wget (because alias)


this is what I get, when running craft in PowerShell according to:

This is most likely due to the aliasing of unix Tools in PowerShell, wget -> 
Invoke-WegRequest etc.

KDEROOT     : R:\
KDECOMPILER : mingw-w64
KDESVNDIR   : R:\download\svn
DOWNLOADDIR : R:\download
PS R:\> craft okular
*** Handling package: 7zip, action: all ***
*** Action: fetch for dev-util/7zip ***
wget: unrecognized option `--show-progress'
Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...

Try `wget --help' for more options.
*** Action: unpack for dev-util/7zip ***
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'R:\\download\\7za920.zip'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\craft.py", line 531, in <module>
    success = main()
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\craft.py", line 510, in main
    if not handleSinglePackage( packageName, action, tempArgs ):
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\craft.py", line 283, in handleSinglePackage
    if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, 
args.update_fast ):
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\craft.py", line 102, in handlePackage
    success = success and doExec( package, "unpack", continueFlag )
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\craft.py", line 70, in doExec
    ret = package.execute( action )
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\Package\PackageBase.py", line 173, in execute
    return self.runAction(command)
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\Package\PackageBase.py", line 216, in runAction
    ok = getattr(self, functions[command])()
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\Source\MultiSource.py", line 50, in unpack
    return self.source.unpack()
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\Source\ArchiveSource.py", line 138, in unpack
    if not self.checkDigest():
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\Source\ArchiveSource.py", line 121, in checkDigest
    if not CraftHash.checkFilesDigests( CraftStandardDirs.downloadDir(), 
filenames, digests, algorithm):
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\CraftHash.py", line 80, in checkFilesDigests
    currentHash = digestFile(pathName, digestAlgorithm)
  File "C:\KDE\craft\bin\CraftHash.py", line 44, in digestFile
    with open(filepath, "rb") as hashFile:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

Well, an installer for Okular for "normal users" would be most welcome on 

Best regards
Adam Kalisz

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