My system chokes on the new file. Also, there is no way to clean up
variables that are incorrect from a failed attempt. The script cannot
find Python even though I have 2 versions and have Python2.7 in my path.
I try to pass it to the script and it just starts over saying it cannot
find python.
When the script doesn't like information I give it, it closes my
PowerShell window even though I opened it before running the script.
When it installs the version of Python it wants, it throws errors.
Nowhere at is the preferred version of Python specified. For
people to be able to build on Windows, you must specify all required
tools including versions expected by the script. You would give
dependencies for Linux, so this is the equivalent.
This is just a heads up. I am not looking for help here.
Also, the person updating Windows specific tools and scripts needs to be
able to test and run them on a Windows machine, not a VM or Wine.
Tom Sisson