On Friday, July 1, 2016 6:20:34 PM CEST Jasem Mutlaq wrote:
> Hi,
> Using the latest emerge/qt/kf5 on Win10 64bit. If you run a KDE application
> (I tried kstars and kwrite), then if it gets closed, the process remains
> running as detached. If you run another instance and then close it, you'll
> get another detached process and they keep on piling up.
> I noticed there is a patch
> (do-not-spawn-console-qprocess-startdetached.patch) in qtbase that could be
> the cause of this perhaps?
> Before the patch, you'd have process like http_cache_cleaner.exe spawns a
> console window up which was very annoying. Now this is gone, but maybe it
> introduced another issue?
> Also, why isn't there emerge/kde-windows "product" on  bugs.kde.org to file
> bugs against?

There's 'kde-windows:

It has a separate component for Emerge:
  "buildsystem: The build system for KDE on Windows: cmake and emerge"


Kevin Funk | kf...@kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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