
On Fri, 25 Mar 2016 19:31:32 -0300
apometron <apomet...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am not a programmer, so I do any error, please state so.
> Is it possible to compile KDE with CodeBlocks?

CodeBlocks is an IDE not a compiler, although I read it can be used
with both GCC and MSVC. It should be possible to use it for developing
for KDE on Windows, but for the purpose of what I think you have in
mind, the answer is no. Instead refer to this guide:

> If no, what is the difficulty level for that?

Read the above link. The process will sometimes just work, but you
should expect to run into several issues on the way. There are also
links to experimental pre-compiled snapshots on that page. These may or
may not be suitable for your purpose.


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