I'm glad to receive your answer!
I just installed your versioni of  kontact on my windows 7 and I configured
my email accounts after some minor crashes.
I will continue to test it and let me know if you'll release some new version.
I also imported correctly my contacts from a vcf file exported from google.
Thank you and let's stay in Kontact :-)


> On Friday 16 January 2015 20:52:13 Till Adam wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> welcome to the team! It's great to hear you want to help out with Kontact in
> particular. I'm currently working on this as part of Kolab Systems' work to
> provide a great native client for Kolab based on Kontact. Patrick Spendrin
> is helping me. We've gotten it to work pretty well but have some patches
> that we still need to upstream. This is all based on 4.14 and MSVC2013, so
> it uses baloo and not virtuoso etc anymore, which makes things easier. I
> hope to find time over the next days and weeks to get all those changes
> upstreamed so others can replicate our builds.
> You can try the current version here, if you want:
> http://www.kdab.com/~till/Kontact-E14-2015-01-12-11-51.exe
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Wednesday, 7. January 2015 23:19:26 Francesco Lazzarotto wrote:
> > Hello I've just installed kde for windows and I'm trying to set up
> > Kontact in order to use it trying to importing my previously saved
> > address list file.
> > when I try to create a new address book I receive this error message:
> > "Could not create address book: Agent instance creation timed out."
> > I also get an error "nepomuk semantic desktop needs the virtuoso RDF
> > server to store its data ..." when
> > I try to run Akonadi konsole.
> > Do you think I'd try to run single programs .exe directly in the KDE\bin
> > directory?
> > I'd like to collaborate with the kde windows project and I was thinking
> > to start making
> > Kontact to work on my windows laptop

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