Bugzilla Automation <bugzi...@freebsd.org> has asked freebsd-kde (group)
<k...@freebsd.org> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 283950: devel/qt6-base: segfaults after update to 6.8.1

--- Description ---

I have noticed that after update to 6.8.1 there are no more icons in
pcfmanfm-qt and lxqt-panel does not start (it all worked with Qt 6.7.3).

Running lxqt-panel under debugger I get a segfault and a long backtrace that
starts with

#0  0x00007fffffffbbc0 in ??? ()
#1  0x00000008017280cd in QPixmap::setDevicePixelRatio(double) () at
#2  0x00000008016d913f in QIcon::pixmap(QSize const&, double, QIcon::Mode,
QIcon::State) const () at /usr/local/lib/qt6/libQt6Gui.so.6

Am I right in assuming that qt6-base is to blame?

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