Dan Mack <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #12 from Dan Mack <> ---
just adding a data point here, I experienced a similar problem resulting from a
bad freebsd-update from somewhere around the time of 12.x -> 13.3 I think.   My
fix was to manually repopulate the partially broken headers on my system like

# Assuming you are using /bin/sh as your FreeBSD root shell and
# you are now on 14.1
# I think this was a bad update because a file changed to a directory or
vice-versa in clang at some point

root# mkdir /usr/include/c++/v1/__tuple   # if it doesn't exist
root# cd /usr/include/c++/v1/__tuple

root# for i in make_tuple_types.h pair_like.h tuple_element.h tuple_indices.h
tuple_like.h tuple_like_ext.h tuple_size.h tuple_types.h sfinae_helpers.h; do
; done

and my __string/ include directory was similarly broken:

root# mkdir /usr/include/c++/v1/__string
root# cd /usr/include/c++/v1/__string
root# for i in char_traits.h constexpr_c_functions.h extern_template_lists.h;
do fetch${i}
; done

I was then able to build a new release of FreeBSD from source and the
re-install of the OS during a buildworld worked again for me.

Worked for me, your mileage may vary, make a backup etc ...

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