I'm having problems with kde4. This is a bit hard to describe, but something 
is blocking input. When I type anything into a webpage, shell, or email 
nothing shows up on the screen until I move the mouse. In the case of a shell 
any command typed neither displays or executes till there is mouse movement.

I have rebuilt all the ports and kde4 (several times) but still the same. In 
console everything is fine as it is in xterm. This is a real hair puller and I 
don't have a clue what to check next.

pinnacle# uname -a
FreeBSD pinnacle.akherb.com 9.0-BETA1 FreeBSD 9.0-BETA1 #2: Sun Aug  7 
20:48:59 AKDT 2011     r...@pinnacle.akherb.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PINNACLE  

Ports tree is up to date and so is kde4. Any help would be appreciated as this 
is almost unusable as it is.



Beech Rintoul - FreeBSD Developer - be...@freebsd.org
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