Am Friday, 1. April 2011, 10:27:43 schrieb Raphael Kubo da Costa: > Hannes <> writes: > > Still, this is plain akonadi issue right now… > > Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I ended up overlooking most of > the thread: have you checked if MySQL 5.1.x works? Furthermore, it > would be good to report this upstream in (you can CC me > in the report if you want).
I finally fixed this issue. After removing the following: ~/.local/share/akonadi ~/.config/akonadi ~/.kde4/share/config/akonadi* [what a mess btw] I had to run this command in /usr/local (another dir doesnt work): mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ After that "akonadictl start" and it works. Regards, Hannes _______________________________________________ kde-freebsd mailing list See also for latest information