
I've plaided around a bit with the panel and put in the buttons for
shutdown/lock; after this 'plasma' crashes on KDE start; I looked into
the config files and when I delete:

$ diff plasma-appletsrc .kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc
< [Containments][2][Applets][16]
< geometry=1051,3,35,35
< immutability=1
< plugin=icon
< zvalue=0
< [Containments][2][Applets][16][Configuration]
< Url=leave:/shutdown
< [Containments][2][Applets][18]
< geometry=1310,3,70,35
< immutability=1
< plugin=lockout
< zvalue=0

it comes up fine again.

Matthias Apitz
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b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/
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