Am Dienstag, 6. November 2007 18:15:55 schrieb Christian Gusenbauer:
> Hmmm, I switched from arts to aKode in juk and that definitely helped me!

So before, you've also seen (heard) the skiping frames when playing audio 
files with noatune or kaboodle or any other aRts companions (like amarok)?
I don't really know juk, just that it's excluded from standard kdemultimedia 

> Playing system sounds has never been a problem for me, though. 

Most likely they're too short that they catched your attention...

> Is there a 
> switch for system sounds where I can switch between arts and akode?

Well, AFAIK aKode is the decoding part of aRts. Every application (in KDE) 
which doesn't use OSS (or esound ....) uses aRts and aRts itself relies on 
aKode (with the observed hickups) or mpeglib.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, it's just a guess of FreeBSD dependencies.
I'm not really familar with KDE and it's compopnents.

> I haven't had the time yet to upgrade my box to 3.5.8 - but this is one of
> the next things on my todo list :-).

Be carefull if you use komposite (composite (transparency) extension of Xorg).
In my case it just stopped working without any obvious problem.
Maybe it's related to Xorg 7.3 upgrade, maybe it's a KDE problem. Also  nVidia 
problem could be the case.

Best regards,

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