Harald Sitter <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
      Latest Commit|                            |
                   |                            |ma/plasma-nm/-/commit/82914
                   |                            |89f1be51652418f2f6122626c6b
                   |                            |2f6d4f13
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #4 from Harald Sitter <> ---
Git commit 8291489f1be51652418f2f6122626c6b2f6d4f13 by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 27/11/2024 at 07:36.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'master'.

connectionitem: delay tabbar height binding till after completion

slightly complicated interaction of bugs here. something inside tabbar,
listview, or listview highlight is buggy such that the highlight breaks
when the initial height is 0.

to work around the problem we set the initial height to the
implicitHeight (i.e. the contentHeight) and only install a binding that
may be 0 when the component is complete. effectively delaying the

this should ensure the tab highlight appears in all Qt versions

M  +7    -1    applet/contents/ui/ConnectionItem.qml

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