--- Comment #9 from Marcel Hasler <> ---
(In reply to Fabio from comment #7)
> (In reply to Marcel Hasler from comment #6)
> > This is a bug in RdpSession::start().
> I confirm your  patch fixes the issue. A small variant has been submitted
> here:
> > 3. The pointer returned by m_preferences->shareMedia().toLocal8Bit().data() 
> > is no longer valid by the time it's passed to
> > freerdp_client_add_device_channel, since it references a temporary object
> > that no longer exists at this point
> FreeRDP internally calls _strdup on that parameter in
> c#L185 , so it's safe to use

I don't think this is really true. I actually wrote a small test out of
curiosity and found that the data indeed remains accessible, even if the
QByteArray has been destroyed at that point (I would have expected a segfault).
Apparently Qt doesn't immediately free the memory when a QByteArray goes out of
scope but keeps it around for reuse. But here's a simple example to show that
you cannot rely on the data remaining valid:

#include <QString>
#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int
    char* data1 = nullptr;

        QString test1 = "Test 1";
        data1 = test1.toLocal8Bit().data();

    QString test2 = "Test 2";
    char* data2 = test2.toLocal8Bit().data();

    std::cout << data1 << std::endl;

    return 0;

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